Privacy Policy - Space Sound Records

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What are cookies (cookies)?

This small pieces of information, called cookies (with English. Cookie - cake), sent by a website that we visit and stored on the terminal device (PC, laptop, smartphone), which we use for web browsing
The "cookies", consisting of a series of letters and numbers, there are various information necessary for the proper functioning of websites, eg. Those requiring authorization - including when you log in to your mail account or an online store.
All operating in the Internet services - search engines, information pages, news, online shops, web government offices and other public institutions can not work properly due to the use of "cookies".
Cookies allow you to include remember your preferences and personalize web pages in terms of content and display matching ads. "Cookies" is also possible to record products and services, or vote in online polls.
Personal data is collected using "cookies" may be collected solely in order to perform specific functions for the user, ie for example. Remember login to the site or store goods added to the basket in the online shop. Such data are encrypted to prevent access to unauthorized persons.

What we give cookies?

Thanks to the "cookie" use of the websites is easier and more pleasant and their contents - text, photos, polls, surveys, but also advertising - is better suited to the expectations and preferences of every Internet user.

- Allow storage of our visits to the website and our preferences on this website (including the language of the page, its color, layout, content distribution);
- Allow online stores to recommend our products associated with those who usually choose, which could potentially be interested in us;
- Help store goods thrown by us to the shopping cart when shopping online;
- Allow the use of accounts on;
- Allow you to be logged into the site for each of the available pages on your site;
- Make it again and again we see the same ad or a questionnaire;
- Allow for the presentation of our ads in a way that respects our interests or place of residence - in the way of advertising through the use of multiple websites can be free of charge, they can inform us about potentially interesting our products and services;
- Allow you to create anonymous statistics of visits to sites. <
"Cookies" owners and publishers websites are able to assess the real interest in their sites, they can better understand the expectations and preferences of users, to understand the way in which users use their services and using the latest technology, they can constantly improve their websites making it even popular place, and better suited to our needs.

What should we know about "cookies"?

- Do not serve to identify users and their basis in no way is determined Therefore, anyone's identity;
- "Cookies" to identify data computer and browser used to browse the web - allow eg. To find out whether your computer has visited the site;
- Data obtained from "cookies" are not in any way linked to personally identifiable information ACQUIRED eg. During registration services;
- They are not harmful either for us or for our computers, or smartphones - not affect the way they work;
- They do not change the configuration of the terminal devices, or software installed on those devices;
- Default parameters "cookies" allow you to read the information contained in them only the server that created them;
- On the basis of our behavior on the visited web pages are submitted to the server information that displays site is better suited to individual preferences.

The basic types of cookies

"Cookies" session - this is a temporary information stored in the browser's memory until the end of the browser session, that is, until its closure. These cookies are mandatory for certain applications or functionalities work properly. "Cookies" fixed - thanks to the use of frequently visited pages is easier (eg. Ensure optimum navigation, remember the chosen resolution, content layout, etc.). This information will remain the browser's memory for a long period. This time depends on the choice that you can make in your browser settings. This type of cookies allows the transmission of information to the server each time the page is visited. Permanent cookies are also known as so-called. tracking "cookies" (ang. tracking cookies).
"Cookies" external entities - (ang. Third parties cookies) - this information from eg. The ad servers, servers, companies and service providers (eg. Search or maps placed on the page) cooperating with the owner of the website. This type of cookies allows you to customize advertising - with the use of the websites can be free - the preferences and habits of their users. They also allow to evaluate the effectiveness of advertising (eg. Due to count how many people clicked on the ad and went to the website, advertisers). Based on information obtained from these cookies, you can create so-called. General user profiles, thanks to which men with an interest in finance and automobiles (page visitors on this subject) see ads tailored to their potential interests, not eg. advertising women's cosmetics.

Managing cookies

Remember that you have the ability to self-manage "cookies". This is done eg. Web browsers you use. The most popular browsers have the ability to:
- Acceptable use "cookies," which will allow you to take full advantage of the options offered by the websites;
- Manage cookies at the level of the individual, you choose sites;
- Specify settings for different types of "cookie" files, for example, accepting assets as trading, etc .;
- Blocking or deleting cookies.
The effect of changing the settings on your browser, depending on the option selected, it may be loss of use of certain sites and services or certain features in them are available.
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